Monday, January 19, 2015

conservative rhinoplasty, a chin implant, botox and facial fillers

Does not look to have aged much which has caused fans and celebrity bloggers to question whether or not she has had celebrity cosmetic surgery.  When actors and actresses reach their middle age, it is perfectly normal for fans to start asking these types of questions
But, have you known about Jang Geun Suk Plastic Surgery? there is judging about her face. Indeed there is not reports which have indicated that Cheri Oteri has admitted to having plastic surgery. nevertheless, she has not denied the rumors either.Oteri has neither confirmed or denied any such plastic surgery. Because it has become common occurrence but many celebrities are still guarded about disclosing such information. It is like the last big taboo that everyone who does it having bad story. 

About her face, there are differences which prompted people to question some facial features that look a lot different now than say five or ten years ago.It is alleged that she has had a facelift without surgery, an eyelift, a blepharophasty, conservative rhinoplasty, a chin implant, botox and facial fillers. A rhinoplasty seems possible  for her because in her “before” pictures, she had a more rounded nasal tip and now her nose is a little thinner. If, she indeed have a nose job it was in fact a subtle procedure. The chin implant is also possible, because her face before was more rounded and now her chin is much more pronounced. 

Other botox, she is also rumored having fillers, or even laser treatment are the culprit because she does not have any wrinkles to speak of and that would account for the extreme shine of her face in recent photographs. If a celebrity plastic surgery were a crime, Cher would spend the rest of her life in a prison. Her face does not have tightness whereas she has got old age. Some plastic surgery procedure makes her younger. Cher's is well known for being an icon of youth and also for what plastic surgery can do for your image, she openly admits Jang Geun Suk Nose Job "the plastic surgery poster girl".  But the star denies she has few original parts left on her frame as some people have said and rumors saying that she had cheek implants and a rib removed simply aren't true.  

Looking these pictures we don't see a considerable difference on her cheeks, it is more a difference in make up. She said: "I've had my cheekbones since I was small. And it is impossible to have a rib removed! When I heard that said of me I thought it particularly silly but I will have to defend myself for the rest of my life against it." She said thata rhinoplasty (nose job) is  the first surgery for her. Her regardness about plastic surgery shows that she indeed had it to make her appearance better.


  1. Chin surgery, also called genioplasty or mentoplasty, is sought by people wanting to augment the shape, height or size of their chin. There are numerous options for chin augmentation including chin implants and genioplasty
    Neha verma

  2. I wouldn't go as far as having chin fillers, but would have dermal fillers and botox to try and look better, just as long as it was done by a private GP not a beautician.
